Meet our


Kane Armstrong
Managing Director

Kane has construction experience in Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management, across both the building and infrastructure sectors in New Zealand and Canada.

He has been involved in a diversity of the projects, which has given him a well-rounded view of construction and the ability to identify opportunities to enhance design, expedite construction and reduce costs.
Leith Chalmers
Leith has been with FPL since the beginning and is a key leader that has shaped and grown the company into the business that it is today.

Leith is a Licenced Building Practitioner with a high level of technical knowledge, and he leads all his projects from the front. Working from the tools into a leadership position, he always ensures projects are delivered successfully and to a high standard.
Daniel Jarvie
Wellington Construction Manager
Joe Riley
Janine Neal
Accounts & Payroll Manager
Terry Hefft
Interiors Manager
Azlan Teirney
Joinery Manager
Peter Fox
Kapiti Division
Lisa Chivers
Health & Safety Manager
Zak Krieg
Painting Manager

We are always looking to expand.

If you have experience in commercial fitouts and joinery, feel free to send your details to

We would love to hear from you.